Friday, January 15, 2016

How I Fit a Dramiel for Hauling

Check out how I fit my Dramiels for speculative hauling!

I care about the warp speed, fast align, and cargo space. From there I have two main fitting strategies. They're similar.

A colorful illustration of a Dramiel.

Low Skill/ Highest Speed Fit

This low skill fit gets 165m3 cargo, 14 au/s ish warp, and 2sec align.
  1. Get 2 sec or less warp align
    • Inertial Stab ii's are fine
    • Nanofiber ii's are great
  2. Fit one cargo expander ii
  3. Add hyperspatial rigs.

High Skill Fit

This one gives you 211m3 cargo, a little slower warp, and 2sec align.
  • Two hyperspatials and an agility rig
  • two cargo expanders

Mid Slots

Mids are very flexible. I go with a prop mod and cap rechargers. It could make sense to add shield extenders, shield boosters, or ewar if you want to get creative—or go into lowsec.

In highsec though the ship flies itself. I've never lost one of these in highsec.

Mods In Cargo

When I relied on one Dramiel I would carry extra cargo/agility mods. If I needed more space I would drop my align speed to 3 seconds—and take on extra booty.

I no longer micromanage Dramiel fits. I just pick the best arrangement for a pilot and fly it.

Which Fit Do I Favor?

It depends.

If the pilot is alone I want the second fit. The extra cargo can add a lot to the value of a trip. It doesn't always help—but it helps.

Alongside another hauler I almost always prefer the first fit—or a Leopard shuttle. It really depends on the data I'm looking at. If I need to do some agile hauling to speed up my Orca's route a Leopard probably won't do.

Lowsec Hauls?

I generally don't consider this for lowsec hauling—but it's fun to think about. If you only have one pilot in your hauler fleet it could make sense.

Also—you can't optimize purchases from sell orders. Get your combat pilot in this ship and kick butt while you're on the way to a purchase!

Purely defensive options? 3 Sensor damps? Ancillary Shield Booster? Or super-cheesy warp stabs.

What Do You Think?

Leave a comment about a lowsec hauler-combat arrangement!

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The Dramiel is Awesome [Speculative Hauling]

Read about why I use dramiels for speculative hauls in highsec.

Why's the Dramiel Awesome?

  • Fast warp speed
  • Enough cargo
  • 2 second align
You can easily get 165.8m3 cargo on this hull. It may not be as fast as the "Leopard" (a shuttle with 20 au/s warp) but it has 16x more cargo space.

Fast Warp

My Dramiels clock in at around 14 au/s with hyperspatial rigs. The hull also gets a warp acceleration boost. It's fast.

Order Scouting

The faster you get to an order, the more likely it'll actually be there. It can help to scout and buy orders even if you are picking them up in a big slow ship.

Enough Cargo

While the Leopard makes a better "order scout"—the Dramiel can carry 500M, 1B, or much more worth of goods. It's safe to do so in highsec as you'll read further down.

Now consider churning out 100M-300M+ hauler runs in a 14~ au/s ship. The profits quickly add up if you have good data.

2 Second Align

With 2 second warp align speed no one can target and point you out of a gate cloak. That makes moving around highsec very safe. Just hit your jump key and click the next gate.

It allows me to pilot 3 haulers, manage data and write/program/draw. All at once.

Dramiels Are Safe Haulers

People don't bother cargo scanning Dramiels. Not that they usually get the chance anyways. Your only real vulnerability is on the undock.

You'll be fine, but it's good to set up your insta-undocks and know how to safely re-dock.

Lowsec is a different story. Smartbombs can take you out leaving or approaching a gate... and many players can kill you without much backlash. I suggest a different hull for lowsec hauls.

Ever Use a Dramiel Like This?

Tell me in the comments!

Thursday, January 14, 2016

I'm an Inter-Regional Space Yard Sale Enthusiast.

I'm an inter-regional trader in EVE Online. I don't like to use buy orders, so I don't. I only use sell orders.

You see—off in remote systems there are deadspace mods—and other expensive things—for half the normal price. There are space yard sales full of discounted goods waiting to be resold in Jita by some lucky hauler.

Moving Crap Around

This is what I do. I move people's unwanted junk around for ISK. Sometimes phenomenal ISK. Trading in New Eden isn't only about order management... and if it were I wouldn't be trading! I'd be in faction warfare.


Right now I just PLEX one account and trade casually. Not long ago I was flipping mods with 3 accounts; A good day would be 2+ billion ISK. A great flip would mean 600M profit in 3 minutes (only 3 minutes.) I had some of those!

Your Worst Enemies

It's not automatic profit though. Every time I ran my data scraping scripts I saw scams. If you're not careful your earned profits go to some other fool! You just have to take the losses and learn. Like cards, sometimes you play optimally and still lose—but you can still come out ahead.

Your worst enemy isn't the scams though. It's you. Until you really learn how to do this it's likely you'll fly around in circles accomplishing very little. It's hard to read most situations even with good data. Even routing your ships wrong will rob you of excellence.

It's Tough.

Do you wanna do this? Probably not. As far as trading goes the barrier to entry is pretty high. Other forms of inter-regional trading are also more profitable—especially in the beginning.

You Can Try Though!

If you really want to do this start with an Atron or a Dramiel. You'll want 2 second warp alignment, and get hyperspatials in those rigs. Speed is usually worth more than cargo space. (That's especially true in the beginning.)

Then start learning how to use Google Sheets. =importHTML and =importXML are your friends. Learn how to clean it up—and grab your data from EVE-central's trade finder tool. Then learn how to read it (oh boy.)

From there you need to tirelessly improve your efficiency. Hauling, trading; Every process must be improved... and you have to do it every time you play. Deliberate practice. Invest in your ships and pilots too. Learn everything you can. Nothing will ever be good enough because this is all about incremental gains.

Don't do it for the ISK.

This is shitty ISK until you master it. Still, other inter-regional strategies are likely better money and easier to impliment. If anything learn to scrape for some other strategy (it's huge for any type of trading.)

Fly weird. o7

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