Saturday, March 5, 2016

Viator, I Choose You!!! 1 Account Speculative Hauling

Read about my new single-account speculative hauling strategy.

Long story short: I've been very sick for a while. I haven't had the time or energy to fly 2-3 speculative hauler pilots at once. Plus the 3-4 PLEX each month became a burden.

Instead I needed a low-effort good ISK alternative. I don't mean 2 Bil isk per day, (as in my old waysI wanted something I could pick up here and there and cover one or two PLEX casually.

Picking a Ship

So I had to pick ONE account, character, and one ship  for most of my hauls. It was between the Dramiel (fitted this way-ish) and a blockade runner (the Viator).

The Viator

I decided on the Viator. Why? Well it can do everything—and it warps around quickly. Things can get dicey in highsec (like if you don't insta dock at a hub) but if managed well they're amazing hulls.

Blockade runners aren't just great for lowsec though. They're amazing for making lots of quick stops around high security space—and are incredibly fast given their decent cargo size. (I don't like Deep Space Transports or the Orca for my kind of work. Too slow.)

Lowsec Access

I also wanted safe access to lowsec (good deals there) so the Dramiel became more of a situational ship rather than my main hauling hull. I still do use it or a Leopard—but only for very specific situations.

The Trading/Hauling Process

The actual hauling/trading part is pretty standard for me:

1. Run data scraping tools
2. Pick some good lowball sell orders
3. Check against hub prices (I like fuzzworks but an alt is optimal)
3. Buy & retrieve items
4. Sell in Jita or Amarr

Will this work for you? Probably not—unless you pull together some okay data tools. EVE-Central by itself doesn't get the job done unless you can sort and filter through it yourself. Otherwise most other trading strats will work better (and be more fun.)

This plays a lot like exploration. Fly around, not knowing what you'll find. Sometimes its good money and occasionally it's absolutely amazing (600M profit deals)!

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